Sunday, October 13, 2013

It's Back!!!

I am so thrilled to announce that the #1 requested fabric duo is back!  

The manufacturer of this fabulous fabric was brought it out of "retirement". 

Available for a limited time.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Surgery and more

I had surgery the end of September. The surgery involved my right arm, I am right handed. No biggie BUT it does require that I rest it and take it easy for a few weeks. Please be patient. I am sewing daily just not as fast as usual.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Ok, now for a "deeper" chat.

Orders take approximately 8-12 weeks from the time of order. Why you ask. LOTS of orders ahead of yours. It is also because each order is hand cut and sewn by me and me only. Please know this when you order. It is also noted on the website and when you check out of the shopping cart.

Great news on the production timeframe. Both of my daughters entered school this year. They absolutely love it! This is great news for all of you because that means I can work more hours. It is my hope that I can sew more and there shorten the production timeframe from 8-12 to more like 4-6. Wouldn't that be fabulous??

Orders are completed as they are received. If your due date changes, your baby arrives weeks early, if you have an event you want to show your stroller off at, etc. I will try but can not guarantee I can accommodate your request for your order sooner. Simply put, it is not fair to others.

Thank you all for your continued support and business, it is greatly appreciated.

Ok! Off to rest my arm and then sew a few orders tonight, I am honestly trying very hard to shorten my production timeframe.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Custom Canopy for a Bugaboo Bee Plus Stroller

Exterior: Pirate skulls
Interior: Black and white dots
Trim: Black and white dots


Graphic Design by Polka Dot Dandy